Python in 4 sittings: Sitting 4

Introduction to Python

Summary of the 4th(end) session

3rd July, 2021


feel free to contact us;

Let us look back to the last session work once more, we will add label and cmap(color map) to the plot

In [1]:
In [2]:

Now you can understand, yellowish color means there are constructive wavefronts and greenish line representing destructive wavefronts

Warning: Not need to go through every details, scroll down below, you'll see a lot of cmap options choose as per your preference and replace that summer

A nice reading on image handling:

Debugging is the most important job to do.

It is difficult to explain, please consult first 10 or 15 min of the video I'm just putting the final code here

In [3]:
enter a number: 5
enter a number: 0.45
enter a number: -3

Formatted outputs

 print(f'statements {variable1} more statement {variable2}')

equivalent to

 print('statements ', variable1, 'more statement ', variable2)
In [4]:
[2.0, 66.0, 89.0, 6.3, 5.0]

Let's start with simple recursion : Factorial!

In [5]:

NOTE: Within a function, if the interpreter encounter a return statement, it'll ignore the rest of the lines within that function

The Hanoi Problem.

Not so easy to explain in words. You can consult the recorded video, or this awesome video -channel: Computerphile.

In [6]:
move A to C
move A to B
move C to B
move A to C
move B to A
move B to C
move A to C
In [7]:

The problem here is, everytime, you're trying to get fib(n), you're calculating for the values for n-1,n-2 all upto 1. So there, a huge computation is going on. This kind of problems lead us to the concept of Dynamic Programming(DP).

A beautiful visulaisation can be found here:

Intuitively, DP is nothing but a careful brut force mthod.

The idea here is to memorize the calculated value, say you asked for fib(5). Then the program would required to calculate fib(4), fib(3)...fib(1). So if you can store those value, at a later stage, your program can use those to reduce the heavy computation. Lead you to less time complexity. But wait, nothing is free of cost! Although time complexity is reduced heavily(polynomial time complexity), it will cost you more resources(memory! As you are storing those values)

Let us now rewrite the fib(n) function to illustrate the concepts we discussed.

In [8]:
In [12]:
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3}

if you now ask for fib(7), it'll calculate f(6) and f(5) only. Rests are available in mem. So the function will directly put those values and calculate fib(7) for you!

The problem is severe when for a particular value of n you have to calculate thing for sevaral datapoints. Say 10,000 points is to be calculated for a particular value of n. Then doing it over and over agin become time consuming

The fact can be demonstrate with Hermite polynomial calculation. This polynomials occurs as the solution of a differential equation, known as Hermite Differential Equation. You can calculate those polynomials using a recursion relation. The recursion relation is given by


with base cases:

H0(x)=1 and H1(x)=2x

*** In the recorded video, you'll find that I got stuck. This was because I wrote the formula wrong.

In [9]:

So if now calculate her(5), it'll calculate her(4), her(3)...her(0). Advantage with poly dictionary is, later, the the program can use those values to calculate higher order terms

In [10]:
array([-1.01122400e+08, -1.01020798e+08, -1.00919278e+08, ...,
        1.00919278e+08,  1.01020798e+08,  1.01122400e+08])
In [11]:
{1: array([-40.       , -39.9919992, -39.9839984, ...,  39.9839984,
         39.9919992,  40.       ]),
 0: array([1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]),
 2: array([1598.        , 1597.36000001, 1596.72012804, ..., 1596.72012804,
        1597.36000001, 1598.        ]),
 3: array([-63760.        , -63721.65184544, -63683.31905088, ...,
         63683.31905088,  63721.65184544,  63760.        ]),
 4: array([2540812.        , 2538772.0896204 , 2536733.40625868, ...,
        2536733.40625868, 2538772.0896204 , 2540812.        ]),
 5: array([-1.01122400e+08, -1.01020798e+08, -1.00919278e+08, ...,
         1.00919278e+08,  1.01020798e+08,  1.01122400e+08])}

If look into the result closely, you'll find that H0 is calculated only after H1. This is because, there is a term Hn2 in the recursion relation. So when n=3, H1 was evaluated, then n reduces to 2 only then H0 was calculated. So the 0 th order term is appearing later.

In [12]:


The upcoming part is not included in the recorded video, since there was no participants, the call was ended. So if you're having trouble in understanding certain things, feel free to contact us!


Now the fun part! You donot need to know the Quantum Mechanics(QM). Just try to understand how you can have time varying plots.

The solution of fundamental eqn in QM with potential function of the form V(x)=12mω2x2 give us the solution of the form







Here we will choose

m=ω=h2π=1, therefore, we set x0=1 and En=n+0.5

We will do the time-independent part first, that is with t=0. And then will include time part.

In [13]:

Now let us include the time varying part. We will plot Real and Imaginary part separately along with the squared norm of ψn(x) i.e. |ψ|2

For this we will need to import a special class of matplotlib FuncAnimation

If you're using notebook, you must include %matplotlib notebook Otherwise, these interactive plot won't show up in the notebook.

In [14]:

Let us look at the arguments of FuncAnimation first

FuncAnimation(figure_to_plot_animation, animation_function_to_update_data_using_some_parameter, init_func=function_to_initialize_the_data, frames=np.arange(start,end,spacing), interval=some_number)

So before we call FuncAnimation in our program we need to have a initialization function and a function to update data. Then finally, configure a figure to plot.

Let us set those one by one.

In [15]:
In [16]:
In [18]:
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
In [19]:

After running the above block, if you look at the animation closely, you'll find that the green line is not changing with time. This is why people call this type of solution to be a stationary state.

You can save this animation by running'filename.mp4')

but use this command before you stop the animation by clicking on the stop button above that interactive plot. It'll take some time, then the video will appear in the same folder where you kept this this notebook.

Comments for the participants with non Physics background

The situation become more interesting when you take the linear superposition of the solutions. This is possible because the equation I talked about, known as Schrödinger equation, is a Linear Differential Equation.

You can add up solutions for different value of n and can plot. I'll include some simple example in the Problem set.

On the other hand you can solve PDEs by any standard numerical method and use those data to animate the time evolution. You can do that with FuncAnimation or even with anyother language. Store the solution in a txt file or dat file and then use GNUPlot or any other plotting software(or library) to visualize(or to animate). I've already written a tutorial on how to do animation in GNUPlot. If you wish, you can check that out too:

That's all for this 4-sitting course. I hope you enjoyed. Wish you all the best :)

Thank You for being a part of this journey!